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01326 377997
Xpress Invest In The Award Winning Groove Glove
March 3, 2023

Here at Xpress Garage & Tyres we believe in investing in the very latest technology, especially if that means we can improve our service and give our customers better, clearer information about vehicle and tyre safety.
Every day we carry out free tyre checks for customers and our technicians are trained to spot tyre related safety concerns such as low tread, out of date tyres and uneven wear issues.
There are many ways we can check the tread depth of your cars tyres, we can use a traditional tread depth gauge, or a very experienced person will often use their fingers to assess how much tread you have left and how soon you will need to replace your tyres. However, as we always emphasise giving you the most honest, transparent advice possible, we have chosen to introduce “Groove Glove” to Falmouth..
Groove Glove uses the latest laser technology to scan each tyre, giving you a clear, easy to read report that details tread depth, indications of uneven wear that may be caused by alignment issues and even estimated braking distances. When customers call in for a routine tyre check, they are given this report for their records along with advice on when they should call in again for a safety check or indeed, replace their tyres.
Here’s how it works:
Each vehicle is identified by the glove which is connected to a wi-fi network.
An Xpress technician will begin by taking a photograph of your cars registration number using the groove gloves integrated camera. Using this information the “cloud based” system obtains your vehicle details & VIN number/year/make of vehicle to include in the tyre report.
The groove glove is then used to scan each tyre individually to gain detailed information. It:
· Reads and analyses tyre tread depth across the entire width of the tyre
· Alerts you to wear issues that may indicate there’s an alignment fault
· Calculates what braking distance you can expect with the tyres in their current condition.
A tyre condition report is then produced
The report that is produced by the device can then be printed for your records and will alert you to any tyres which will require changing fairly soon and give you a very clear idea of their current state. The easy to follow report uses a colour coded traffic light warning system to indicate tyre wear issues & tread depth:
To Summarise:
1. Groove Glove accurately measures tyre tread across the entire width of the tread
2. Analyses tyre profile to pinpoint tyre wear patterns that indicate alignment issues
3. Produces a clear, easy to read report that shows you tyre health and highlights areas which require attention.
Investing in new, innovative products such as this is what Xpress Garage is all about, we like to be at the forefront of our industry’s technology in order to give you the clearest, most accurate information possible with a detailed colour printout